Presentation 101: How to Make a Powerful Introduction in Presentation

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2024-10-08 15:24:04

When you give a presentation, how do you start? Do you just briefly introduce yourself and the topic and then start the presentation? Of course, this is what most speakers do. In principle, there is nothing wrong with starting a talk this way. But it tends to bore the audience. Using an interesting introduction at the beginning of a speech not only grabs attention, it sets the mood and tone for the speech. In addition, a successful opening can relieve tension by giving the speaker hope. So today we're going to look at 8 ways to make an interesting introduction, with examples.

Why is it so important to have a strong introduction in your presentation?

A good start is half the battle. A strong start is vital in a presentation. Typically, presentations begin with a brief introduction. Here are some reasons that a strong introduction in presentation is so important:

1.Capture the audience's attention: Audience attention spans are short, especially in today's fast-paced world. A strong introduction will grab your audience's attention right from the start, making it more likely that they will stay engaged for the entirety of your presentation.

2.Establish your credibility: Your credibility is established by an effective introduction. It's an opportunity to briefly introduce yourself, what you know about the topic, and why you're qualified to speak about it. This helps build trust and confidence with your audience.

3.Set the tone: Introducing sets the tone for how the presentation goes. It gives your audience an idea of what to expect and helps them understand the purpose and importance of your presentation.

4.Provide key context: A good introduction sets the context for your presentation. It helps your audience understand why the topic matters, how it relates to them, and what they can expect to learn or gain from listening to your talk.

5.Engage your audience: An engaging introduction can pique your audience's curiosity and create a desire for more information. Stories, humor, and powerful statistics are all ways to engage your audience and get them to listen.

Eight tips of using interesting ways to introduce a presentation:

1.Share a short story or anecdote. Begin your presentation by sharing an engaging short story, which then leads to the topic of your presentation. Beginning with a story enriches the content of the speech, introduces the point naturally, and stimulates the audience's interest.

e.g. " When I was young, my dad loved watching NBA games. I didn't know what the NBA was at that time, but I remembered that the players' performances fascinated me, and from then on, I loved playing basketball, and the NBA accompanied me as I grew up. Therefore, today I would like to share the profound influence of NBA on me."

2.Start with a shocking statistic. Data is a very visual and powerfully powerful element. Typically, beginning a presentation with data clearly conveys the relevance of the topic and engages the audience.


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e.g. "Did you know. According to the WMO, 2023 was the hottest year on record, with the global average near-surface temperature 1.45 degrees Celsius (0.12 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels, making the past 10 years the hottest on record. Global warming has already brought about dramatic changes across the globe. Today, I’m here to talk about global warming.”

3.Begin with a relevant quote. Quoting an influential person is one of the easiest ways to start a presentation. Quotes are extremely influential, especially the more famous they are. The choice of quotes can make it more like the audience knows what the speech is about.

e.g. "As Ada Lovelace says, ‘The more I study, the more insatiable do I feel my genius for it to be’. As the world's first computer programmer, Ada Lovelace had made a great contribution in AI. Let’s explore how Ada Lovelace change this world with AI.”

4.Ask a thought-provoking question. Most presentation know that start a presentation with a question will increase audience participation. This way would also make the audience think and take questions to engage with the presentation.

e.g. "If you had the ability to develop a weapon that did so much damage, would you build it? If this weapon was used in war, would you continue to build it? This question is what Oppenheimer faced. In this presentation, we’ll dive into the legend life of Oppenheimer.”

5.Use a relevant analogy or metaphor. Using a relevant analogy or metaphor is also a effective way to make your introduction interesting. This way can simplify complex ideas, enhance understanding, and make the topic more relatable and memorable for the audience.

e.g. "Launching a startup is like planting a seed. It requires nurturing, patience, and the right conditions to grow into a thriving business. In this presentation, we'll delve into the essential ingredients for startup success."

6.Begin with a compelling image or visual: Visuals are a powerful communication tool. We can transmit information quickly to the brain through visuals. Image material can visualize the main object and the main message of the presentation, allowing the audience to look at it with a goal in mind.

e.g. "This image represents the devastating impact of plastic pollution on our oceans. Today, we'll explore sustainable solutions to combat this environmental crisis."

7.Begin with “imagine”. The imagination of the human brain is infinite. When we start imagining about a certain point of view, behavior, or thing, we have many kinds of imagined results. Starting with imagination will make the audience actively listen.

e.g. "Imagine you're a project manager leading a team through a major crisis. How do you navigate the challenges and keep your team motivated? Today, we'll discuss strategies for effective crisis management."

8.Begin with a teaser or provocative statement. Starting with a teaser or provocative statement can hook the audience's curiosity from the outset, compelling them to lean in and listen attentively. It ignites intrigue, setting the stage for a captivating presentation that stimulates critical thinking and discussion.

e.g. "In a world where technology is advancing at lightning speed, are we at risk of losing our humanity? Today, we'll explore the intersection of technology and humanity, and what it means for our future."

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